Requisition for a Special General Meeting

Click here to view the statement supporting the Requisition


Society The Law Society of England & Wales

Council The Council of the Society

Chief Executive As such expression is defined in the Bye-Laws

Bye-Laws the Bye-laws of the Society and Bye-Law shall be construed accordingly

SGM Special General Meeting

Requisition means this requisition under Bye-Law 22 which requires the Council to call an SGM

Member The solicitor whose signature and other details appear in Appendix A

Motion   The motion set out in Appendix B

1 Recitals

1.1 The Member is a member of the Society.

1.2 The Member is desirous of sending the Requisition.

1.3 The electronic signature page of the Requisition delivered via email to the Chief Executive shall be deemed and is intended by the Member to be, as effective as an original, wet ink signature by the Member.

1.4 The Requisition is also intended by the Member to be aggregated with requisitions made by other members of the Society (electronically or otherwise) so that the requirements of Bye-Law 22(1) shall be satisfied. 

2 Requisition

The Member hereby requires the Council to call an SGM to consider the Motion.

Appendix A

Members Details

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Appendix B

The motion sought by the Requisition

    “That the meeting has no confidence in the ability of Mr Nick Emmerson, President of the Law Society of England and Wales, and Ian Jeffery, Chief Executive of the Law Society of England and Wales, to properly and effectively represent those members of the Society who undertake conveyancing because they, or others acting on their behalf, have without consultation, or any mandate from members of the Society:

  1. agreed that the Law Society would become a member of the Home Buying and Selling Council (formerly called the Home Buying & Selling Group) (HBSG)
  2. agreed that the Law Society would become a member of the Digital Property Market Steering  Group (DPMSG)
  3. agreed to accept without taking appropriate external legal advice that National Trading Standards had the necessary legal capacity to issue its guidance to estate agents on ‘material information’ being included when listing properties via their online portals (MI)
  4. accepted with other members of the HBSG that MI should be imposed on the profession
  5. redrafted form TA6 despite the latest iteration significantly increasing the risk of criminal offences being committed by solicitors
  6. redrafted form TA6 despite the significantly increased risk of selling clients facing civil claims for misrepresentation